Category: In the Garden

Gardens & Wildlife – Giving Back to Nature

Say Hello to My Little Friends Some decide to create beautiful gardens, filled with all colours of the spectrum. Their gardens provide a quiet, relaxing atmosphere to enjoy the outdoors. However, there will come a point when your garden feels like it’s missing something; something displaced when your house and land was originally developed. That […]

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Landscape Designs that Dare to be Different

The history of landscape design is peppered with occasional designers that dared to be different. Most of us are very familiar with the traditional, the formal, and modern contemporary landscapes. However there are gardens gracing our planet that engage the imagination in a manner like no other arts or creative human endeavour. If you’re the […]

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Autumn Colour for Brisbane Gardens

Most gardens have an abundance of colour in spring and summer. However autumn in Brisbane gardens tends to be rather dull. Here’s a list of autumn beauties to snatch up at your local nursery and brighten up your otherwise overly green landscape….

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